The latest outputs from Project HELIX, an initiative developed to boost innovation and efficiency in the Welsh food and drink industry, show it has delivered over £235 million of impact, since it launched in 2016. The Welsh Government and EU-funded Project HELIX is a pan-Wales strategic initiative, delivered by Food Innovation Wales, which is a…
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Project HELIX named overall winner at the Wales Rural Network Awards 2022
The Food Innovation Wales led project picked up two awards at a ceremony celebrating projects which have benefited from the European Union’s Rural Development Programme.
Read more →SALSA Issue 6 Update – Webinars
From September 2022 onwards, all SALSA certified companies in the UK will be audited by a new issue of the standard. The aim of this free webinar is to ensure that all SALSA certified companies in Wales are briefed on the changes and how it will affect them. This two-hour workshop will cover: Changes to…
Read more →Future Diets – New Product Development Workshops
At this free Welsh Government funded new product development (NPD) workshop, food and drink companies will gain access to world-class insight from industry thought leaders. The Future Diets research provides an industry first, long-term view of consumer eating habits over the next 10 years. This will help businesses gain a planning framework essential for a…
Read more →Food and Drink Wales CEO Cluster
Background The CEO Cluster has been launched as part of the Welsh Government’s cluster development programme. According to Professor Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School: “A cluster of independent, formally linked companies and institutions represents a robust organisation form that offers advantages in efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility.” California’s Silicon Valley is probably the most…
Read more →Welsh food and drink manufacturers offered support to improve sustainability
Welsh food and drink companies are being offered funded support to help improve their sustainability. Eligible companies can receive assistance with waste reduction, process efficiency/improvement, sustainable new product development and compliance with sustainable food standards through the Welsh Government and EU-backed Project HELIX. The call for Welsh companies coincides with the inaugural Food Waste Action…
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