Cig moch, cig mân wedi’u pecynnu a chynhyrchion pysgod (e.e. selsig a sglodion pysgod), prydau parod i’w coginio, cynhyrchion cig parod, pitsas, prydau o blanhigion a phrydau stemio
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Ready meals and sandwiches, ready-to-eat desserts
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Fruit, vegetables and nuts
Prepared fruit, vegetables and nuts
Ready meals and sandwiches, ready-to-eat desserts
Dried foods and ingredients

Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)

Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)