Cig moch, cig mân wedi’u pecynnu a chynhyrchion pysgod (e.e. selsig a sglodion pysgod), prydau parod i’w coginio, cynhyrchion cig parod, pitsas, prydau o blanhigion a phrydau stemio
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Cooked meat/fish products
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)

Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Cooked meat/fish products
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Raw poultry
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)