31 Angelica Way
CF14 9FJ.
Sales email: sayhello@flapjacknation.co.uk
Company Biography / Bywgraffiad Cwmni
Flapjack Nation forms part of the Welsh dynamic, bustling food Industry supplying luxury, delicious and flavoursome freshly baked flapjacks to coffee shops and food outlets throughout the principality. Flapjack Nation started trading in 2013 and concentrates solely on the wholesale provision of a freshly baked flapjack at competitive prices to cafes, delis and grab and go food outlets. Our flapjacks are delivered cut and packaged in accordance with customer demands and an assortment of flavours are available to suit tastes and preferences. They include a seasonal and vegan range which has been well received. On average, each box consists of 16 slices measuring approx. 2" x 3" however the slices can be cut to suit preferences and occasions. Details of prices per box are available on request and delivery throughout Cardiff is free.