Cigoedd wedi’u coginio (e.e. ham, paté cig, peis bwyta poeth ac oer), molysgiaid a chramenogion yn barod i’w bwyta, pâté pysgod, eog mwg poeth ac eog wedi’i botsio
Cooked meat/fish products
Raw cured and/or fermented meat and fish

Raw cured and/or fermented meat and fish

Ready meals and sandwiches, ready-to-eat desserts
Low/high acid in cans/glass/plastic containers

Cooked meat/fish products
Cooked meat/fish products
Raw prepared products (meat and vegetarian)
Cooked meat/fish products
Ready meals and sandwiches, ready-to-eat desserts

Cooked meat/fish products
Ready meals and sandwiches, ready-to-eat desserts
Alcoholic drinks and fermented or brewed products
Dried foods and ingredients